Category Mind & Spirit Hobbies

5 Simple Astral Projection Tips That Really Work

Implement these simple astral projection tips to increase your chances of a successful visit to the plane.

If you have arrived here you’re probably struggling to have success in astral projection. The following astral projection tips can be applied to make the process more simple and increase the likelihood of you visiting the astral plane.

It is recommended that as a beginner you should first do your research and these beginners astral projection tips should only be applied once you have more knowledge.

Take a look at our beginners guide to astral projection before you apply these simple tips. Or check out this fantastic book.

Get comfortable

Before you try Astral projection you should get as comfortable as possible and clear your mind. Using a pillow or blanket is recommended this will help you become comfortable and less distracted. 

Ensure you can breathe comfortably.

Let go of fear

The number one thing that will stop you from being able to successfully astrally project is your fear. Fear WILL hold you back. Your fears are irrational, bare that in mind and you do not have anything to worry about.

One of our main fears when starting out with astral projection is fear of the silver chord breaking. Or possession. 

You can rest assured that the silver chord will not break providing you do not stay too long in the astral plane. It is stronger than you think. 

It is paramount that you remain relaxed, calm and at all times in a positive mindset. Some people like to meditate beforehand and even take up yoga.

Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection

There’s a big difference between Lucid dreaming and astral projection, it will serve you well to always remember this as a beginner. Dreaming is dreaming and projecting is projecting. Once you successfully visit the astral plane you will quickly realise there is a huge difference between the two. 

Astral projection is far too vivid to be considered a dream.

Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones

Another good astral projection tip for beginners is to listen to binaural beats and isochronic tones. This will help you reach the state of required relaxation. Again relaxation is paramount.

Binaural beats are tuned in with your brain waves and really do help.

Remember your experiences

Before you leave the plane and your astral body returns to your physical body, try your hardest to remember your experiences.

Write them down in a book afterwards, this will help you in the future and make astral projection more simple. You can refer to the book before the next time you visit the plane.

*BONUS TIP* How to visit someone on the astral plane

If you want to visit someone in your astral projection there are numerous things you can do to help. Spray the room with a fragrance that reminds you of them, focus on a photo of them for a while beforehand. Find an object of theirs and hold it in your hands.

Find a way to have that person in mind before you set out to the astral plane. It’s a good idea to ask their permission first, this will stop any resistance.

Astral Projection Tips Summary

Astral projection really does require focus and a positive state of mind. Along with relaxation and tranquillity. Before you even attempt it you should ensure that you have achieved all of these states.

Have you managed to reach the astral plane? What helped you get there? If you have any good beginners astral projection tips then please leave them in the comments below to help our readers. We may add them to the list. 

If you’re interested in mastering the art of astral projection then we can highly recommend you take the online course offered by Astral HQ – Check it out here.

A Beginners Guide To Crystal Healing & Crystals

Crystals & Healing

What are Crystals?

They come in many shapes and sizes and in the practice of crystal healing have different properties and uses.

Crystals are natural minerals that the earth forms beneath the ground over thousands of years.

What is Crystal Healing?

Many believe that Crystals are an effective form of healing.

Classed as an alternative medical technique, but is not popular with traditional doctors and medical practitioners.

Crystal Healing is a holistic energy-based healing treatment that can treat many forms of illness and problems by healing their energy system. If performed correctly it can be very relaxing and tranquil.

Although there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support that claim that crystals can heal, it is still practised largely all over the world with many strongly believing in the healing properties of the crystals.

How does Crystal healing work?

It is believed that specific crystals and gemstones have properties that can help facilitate healing using the positive energy from the stones.

During a typical Crystal healing session, crystals or gemstones are aligned on the body at different “chakra points” these are usually placed near the head, on the forehead, throat, chest, gut and on the genital area.

Different stones and placements will be used for different disease and illnesses that the patient may suffer with.

Along with the above mentioned treatments at a Crystal healers it can be practised by anybody from the comfort of their own home, and home crystal healing is becoming more and more popular.

Some wear crystals on the body or sleep with them close-by or beneath their pillow to promote mental and physical healing.

Scientifically how does Crystal healing work?

There is no real scientific evidence to support that Crystal healing works, however scientific studies have shown that a positive “placebo” effect can occur.

Although no scientific evidence is present to support the belief many have experienced positive results and believe that it is a powerful alternative medicinal healing therapy.

Crystal healing is practised by a large number of people worldwide and has been for thousands of years so in my opinion “the proof is in the pudding”

Crystal Healing History

Evidence suggests that the first ever historical references for crystal healing was from the ancient Sumerians, they used Crystals in magic formulas. This was nearly 6000 years ago.

The ancient Egyptians also used crystals to ward off negative energy and disease.

Today the practise of Crystal healing is largely based on Asian cultures.

Mainly based on the Chinese life-energy concept, chi and the Buddhist or Hindu practice of Chakras. Chakras are believed by the Chinese to connect physical and supernatural “energy” elements of the human body.

Read more about the history of Crystal healing.

What things will I need to practice crystal healing?

The hobby is very inexpensive and to be honest there isn’t really that much that you will need to get yourself started.

Firstly I would recommend an in depth crystal book in which you can refer to while studying and practicing.

There’s a wonderful reference book wrote by Karen Frazier, it includes over 200 remedies for the mind, soul and heart you can buy it here.

You will of course need crystals or a crystal, you can buy them online here.

Perhaps a crystal wand, a very popular choice is found here.

If you wanted to be more serious about it you can take many online courses here.

That’s about all really to get started, you can grow your crystal collection as time goes on.

A very inexpensive hobby to get into.

An introduction to Crystals

As a beginner delving into the world of crystals and crystal healing can feel a little overwhelming, with hundreds of types of crystals in all shapes and sizes, where do you actually begin?

Before even thinking about starting you need to learn to trust your inner conscience and spirit. This is what guides us to the right crystals for the right purpose.

Let’s begin the learning process with learning more about the most common types of crystals and the basics of how to use them.

Crystal Shapes

In this part of the beginners guide I will list a few of the basic crystal shapes, there are many more.

These are just a few of the more common crystals you will need as a beginner.


Also commonly known as a Crystal ball, not the type you look into though. These crystals are cut and polished into a perfectly round sphere shape. The sphere shape crystal will radiate energy evenly in each direction.

Because of the spherical shape they are connected to the earth, moon and other planets.

They are generally used for slowing down or even neutralising negative and unbalanced energies.

Crystal Spheres can be held over Chakras or passed through the aura.

In home use a sphere will need a stand for display and can bring a harmonious and peaceful energy to the home.

Placing a Crystal Sphere in the middle of a Crystal grid will promote protection, healing, peace and psychic development.


Pyramid Crystals can direct and anchor energy.

A largely popular choice for home Crystal healing, the pyramid shaped crystal can stabilise earth energies and enhance and project from the apex.

Smaller Pyramid shaped crystals can be placed along Chakras to balance.

In Crystal Grids, the pyramid crystal can be used to protect a specific person, raise vibrations and amplify your healing intentions.

Tumble Stone

The most common of crystal shapes, the tumble stone is also known as “tumbled stone”

Small crystals and stones are tumble polished to create a shiny and smooth surface on the crystal.

The Tumble stone crystals are usually smaller stones, but they are available in large sizes too.

An all purpose Crystal stone, radiating energies in all directions these stones are so versatile that they are generally carried around on your person.

They can also be placed on the chakras, worn directly on the body, placed in vases and bowls around the home and are one of the most popular choices for the Crystal grids.


Heart shape crystals/gemstones represent compassion and also composure.

They can be used to work on the healing chakra, this can be located in your chest.

Heart shaped crystals and stones work in a similar way to palm stones, they are used as support stones that you can hold onto when you are in need of strength.

They also work well if you are in fear, they help to calm you.

Heart shaped stones give out “good vibes”


Clusters are a bunch which are naturally grown.

Cluster crystals contain amplified energies and are the premium group.

You will find that they are often used in grids (more about these below) chakra training, communication with spirits and for astral projection.

These cluster crystals can be used to raise the harmony of a space.

Natural Point

Natural Point stones are a natural shape, they are rare to find.

These crystals can help you to absorb “chakra” and dispel the energy.

Often used in pendulums, wands, for healing and feng shui.


Palm shaped crystals/stones are flat in shape and are made from tumbled stones.

They are easy to carry with you as they fit nicely into the palm of your hand. (hence the name)

You can use palm stones for many different crystal therapies, meditating and for feng shui in the home.

A good video below if you’ve got 15 minutes spare, Annie Tarasova explaining what they are, how they are formed and meanings of popular crystals.

How to choose a crystal

Choosing a crystal can maybe feel overwhelming at first especially as a beginner.

People are so focused on wanting to choose the right crystal and not making a mistake that they forget to use what matters most. There intuition.

Crystal healing is a spiritual hobby so it only makes sense that you would use your inner spirit to choose a crystal.

Some say that the crystal chooses you, so you need to ensure that you open your heart and your mind to allow this to happen.

Whether you are in a shop or buying your crystal online, you should clear your mind and open your heart. Take your time and allow yourself to be drawn to the crystal. Be patient. When you know you’ll know!

Keep your intention in your mind and either look at the crystal or hold it if possible. How do you feel? Do you notice any strange sensations like increase in heart rate, hot or cold feelings, a feeling of peace? Look for the signs.

What are intentions?

Our inner voice and thoughts create vibrations. These are sent out throughout the universe which is why intentions are so important.

Clear intentions and clear purpose provide insight into our dreams and values.

Imagine if you will your intentions are a magnet. In crystal healing having clear intentions allow the crystals to do their work. Set yourself clear intentions that are positive and your hearts desire.

  • Prioritise what is most important to you.
  • Think about aspects of your life that you want to improve.
  • Be clear about your goals and how long you will give yourself to achieve it, find reasons behind your goals.
  • Make your intentions a reality, write them down in present tense. Only write what you truly want, do this from your heart.

How to program and cleanse a Crystal

Before we talk about how we build a crystal grid, most importantly we must learn how to give our crystals their purpose and their job.

You have to program your crystals.

This is a very straight forward process.

Firstly we cleanse with sage smoke. This is achieved by placing the crystal in the smoke from the burning sage. There are alternatives like incense or Frankincense resin that you can use but sage is the most popular.

Then we leave our crystals in either moonlight or sunlight for a minimum of around 5 hours.

Now we bury the crystal in the ground for a few hours, this allows the crystal to be come charged with the energy from the earth.

Take the crystal straight from the earth and hold it in your hands. Breathe deeply, relax and let your eyes close. Go to a happy place and ensure your mind is full of love, peace and tranquillity.

While you’re in a happy place, with your crystal in your hand and your eyes closed ask your crystal to be cleared of negative energy. Say the following:

“I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command these crystals to hold the intention of my infinite potential, (add your intentions here for the crystal to store) thank you, thank you, thank you!

What is a Crystal Grid?

Now we know how to cleanse and program our crystals we will learn about crystal grids.

Simply put a crystal grid usually consists of a centre stone and then numerous stones set in a formation spreading outwards from the centre.

Crystal Grids vary in size, they are very effective for creating intention energy and hold onto the energy for a long time after it is set.

The formations create harmonizing vibrations and link the energies of the stones/crystals.

How to Create Your very Own Crystal Grid!

To begin with you will need to make a decision on what kind of energy you would like to create and establish, this can be done with knowledge and intuition. Don’t overthink this as there is no real right or wrong way. Many will use a point in the center of the grid because it merges the energy radiated from the crystals together in harmony. It will also amplify the energy outwards. You can use a grid cloth to help with symmetry and map out the grid.

To choose your crystals you should first decide on the ones that are related to your intention. For example if your intentions are ones of love, then you would need stones related to love like malachite, carnelian, amazonite, rose quartz, flourite etc

Once we have chose our stones then we need to purify the energy of them. You can purify using sage smoke.

Now you will need to write what your intention is on a sheet of paper. Fold the paper and say it out loud. Next take your “intention paper” and place it underneath the center stone.

The center stone is the main stone which you will place in the middle of your grid. It is popular to have a center crystal with a point to transmit the energy outwards.

Next you will build up your grid around the center stone, these crystals are used for amplifying the energy.

Crystal Grid Example
An example of a crystal grid

The grid can be as full as you like, you should always remember to place them mindfully and to lead with your inner spirit.

Next you will need to “activate” the grid. We do this with a quartz laser point and draw a line to connect every stone, the line is invisible of course but as you draw it you should be visualising the intention you wrote on the paper becoming a reality.

It’s up to you how far you go with the crystal grid, you can add incense and candles around your grid to further amplify.

*You should leave your grid up for at least 30 days after you set it up.

What is a Crystal Wand?

There’s so much to write and learn about crystal wands so i’m just going to briefly touch on these. If you want to read a full guide to them you can do so here.

Crystal wands are made from crystals and are usually shaped with a point or cylindrical.

Quartz wands usually occur naturally but for other crystal wands you will need to take the stone and polish it.

They are used in crystal healing to further amplify the power and energy.

There are many types and each has it’s own specific use.


If you’ve arrived here and are interested in Crystal healing then you no doubt have a basic understanding of chakras but for those of you who don’t let me elaborate.

Chakras are concentrated centers of energy in the body.

Their purpose is to absorb the energy and to keep us functioning on a day to day basis at optimum levels.

There are two types of chakras in the body these are minor and major.

Chakras are believed to control how we feel and our health. If chakras malfunction or are not looked after then we can end up feeling depressed or even becoming sick.

It is important as a crystal healer to look after our inner chakras by eating healthily and by positive thinking and love.

Located along your spine there are 7 main chakras.

These are:

root, solar plexus, sacral, heart,third eye, throat, and crown chakras

Each are tied to problems with the body, both physically and emotionally.

If you gain a better understanding of your chakras it’s a fantastic way of growing as a crystal healer and also a way to work in harmony with mind, body and soul.

3 simple ways to use crystals

These are 3 beginner ways to use basic crystals and what you have just learnt. These will increase harmony, your peace of mind and spiritural balance.

Clear Quartz

Quartz CrystalClear quartz is one of and if not the most popular type of crystal for beginners.

The crystal will amplify intentions from your crystal grids and the vibrations of the surrounding stones.

You can create a clear quartz wand to cleanse and energize crystals.

Take the clear quartz stone, sit somewhere peaceful and try to feel the positive energy radiating from the stone, let the white light that emits from it fill you. Think about your intention and believe in the quartz crystal.


Amethyst CrystalAnother very popular crystal for beginners is Amethyst, it is fantastic for meditation as it will give spiritual projection and increase your inner strength.

Again while contemplating the intention set out for the crystal you should put it in your bedroom or even at your desk in the office to invite the calming energies.

Amethyst is often used for healing in Yoga and meditation.


Citrine CrystalCitrine draws the power of the sun and is filled with light in abundance. This makes the crystal fantastic for placing in a windowsill.

The sun will then recharge it every day, keeping its powerful vibrations at a maximum.

Citrine is considered one of the most powerful stones used for manifestation.

As a beginner you are going to want to have citrine, it will increase the chances of making your intentions into a reality.

Citrine also creates a positivity and  will stimulate your mind for motivation and to help you become more optimistic.

Take a citrine point and

Place a citrine point on top of a list of your dreams and intentions.

Beautiful to look at and are great healing crystals which will help us connect with Mother Earth.

Crystal Healing FAQ

Is Crystal healing the hobby for you?

I believe crystal healing could be for anyone. It will help you improve your mental health and your physical health.

Learning about crystal healing opens the door to so many other healing practices.

Not only that learning about the crystals and their powers is intriguing and exciting.

Is there more than one different crystal healing technique?

Yes there are many, however I believe the crystal grid to be the most popular and the best for beginners. As you advance in your crystal healing journey you will no doubt learn many more crystal healing techniques.

How do I choose the best healing crystal?

The best way to chose healing crystals is to let your spirit guide you, use your intuition and feel the crystal. This is perhaps one of the most amazing parts of crystal healing.

Can I use crystals just for decoration in my home?

Yes of course they look beautiful and on the plus side your home will be full of good energy!

Useful links

Types of Crystals and Uses

Online holistic & crystal shop

Crystal healing online courses

Crystal Healing Discussion

If you have any questions or would like to talk more about the wonderful hobby of crystal healing then please leave a comment below we would love to hear your questions and experiences.


Binaural Beats For Astral Projection

Binaural Beats

What are Binaural Beats?

Binaural Beats are two frequencies of sound are given to separate ears.

This creates a kind of auditory illusion by making the two frequencies of sound ever so slightly different.

The word Binaural is made up of “Bi” meaning two and “aural” which relates to the ear and sense of hearing.

To help you simply understand how Binaural beats work imagine when you strum two guitar strings together as you are tuning it. Once these sound frequencies get close on the strings of the guitar a slow pulsing beat can be heard.

The theory behind Binaural Beats can be rather difficult to grasp, but don’t worry it’s not all that important if you are here for Astral Projection and Lucid dreaming.

Let me just quickly explain the theory and how we calculate and we can move on.

To calculate the rate and frequency of a beat we must work out the difference in the two frequencies that are being played.

If you are listening to 2 frequencies one at 210Hz and one at 220Hz, then the beats per second would be 10 or 10Hz.

Binaural Beats and The Brain

To understand Binaural beats and how they effect the brain we must first understand how brain waves do.

Brain Waves and the brain

Rhythms Binaural BeatsThoughts, behavioral reaction and emotions are the results of neurons in the brain and electrical impulses (signals)

A large number of neurons are released together with the same pattern and rhythm these are synchronized and ultimately create what we know as “brain waves”

Brain waves vary in speed and sound frequency, from slow to fast, to low and high amplitudes & frequencies.

Brain waves can be categorized into 5 different major functions.

For Astral projection, there are only 2 types of waves that are relevant.

Delta and Theta waves.

Delta Waves are slow and loud and run from a frequency of around 0.5 to 3Hz. They are related to deep meditation, dreamless sleep and self-healing.

Theta Waves run from a frequency of about 3 – 8Hz and have been found to be related to meditation, intuition, creativity, the subconscious, dreaming and spatial navigation.

Various levels of these brain waves are released constantly at any given time.

What do Binaural Beats Do To Our Brains?

Different parts of the brain have different functions and purposes, the part we will talk about first is called the superior olivary complex. This can be found in the brainstem and will determine the direction of sounds.

The superior olivary complex performs an “entrainment” after synchronizing the different neurons.

So when binaural beats are played through the ear the brain then sends the sounds and frequency to the superior olivary complex which in turn creates change in brain waves.

Binaural beats can increase the strength of brain waves, which effectively will enhance or decrease emotional and other functions.

Benefits of Binaural Beats

  • Help with Anxiety – In a study with 15 volunteers, binaural beats that were played for 30 minutes in the theta range helped reduce anxiety.
  • Centre your attention – In studies using Gamma and Beta binaural beats students enhanced sustained attention and attention to visual details.
  • Lift your mood – Listening to 30 Minutes of Theta beats helped to decrease stress, fatigue and confusion in a study of 8 volunteers.
  • Ease Pain – A scientific study took 28 participants who suffer from chronic pain and made them listen to theta beats, the results showed that the pain was decreased.
  • Increase Memory – Listening to just 15 minutes of Theta binaural beats increased short-term verbal memory in a study of 20 participants. Working & Long Term memory were also dramatically increased using other binaural beats.
  • Help with meditation – Just 30 minutes of theta binaural beats increased the brain activity that is associated with meditation and a deep meditative state. This was carried out in a controlled study of 28 volunteers.
  • Improve sleep behavior – Theta Binaural beats improved sleep quality in a study of 15 participants.

It’s fair to say that binaural beats have been scientifically proven to have many positive effects.

Can Binaural Beats Help With Astral Projection?

So this is what this article has been leading to, this is what you have arrived here for! Let’s get to it.

Many people will tell you that Binaural beats can induce lucid dreaming or astral projection, this is simply not true. With that being said they can and will help you with astral projection.

In order to perform a successful astral projection, you will need to know how to astrally project and have at least practised the basic methods first.

Not only the knowledge of astral projection plays an important part but other aspects in your life to like a healthy diet, good sleep patterns, regular meditation etc

So if you are thinking of binaural beats as a shortcut into astral projection think again! Binaural beats will only assist and guide you. The rest is down to you.

The Beginners Guide To Astral Projection

Click here for our FREE astral projection beginners guide.

Are binaural beats dangerous?

Because binaural beats change the way our brains work and think for a short period of time there is often worries of danger.

However, binaural beats pose no danger whatsoever and are perfectly safe.

Do not obviously use binaural beats to astrally project while driving along a motorway though.

How do I use binaural beats for astral projection?

Often people will start by searching for binaural beats on music or video hosting sites like YouTube, Dailymotion or Spotify. You will find the right beats on them, what you won’t find though is the right quality.

If you are serious about using binaural beats for astral projection then you should look at using a professionally created and recorded beat.

We’ve found some great binaural beats at Ennora. They also have ones specifically for Astral Projection.

If you would like to listen to many different Binaural beats for free then you can sign up to Amazon unlimited here. This will give you access not only to Binaural beats for astral projection but binaural beats for other purposes, along with access to millions of songs.

TIP: Use headphones – It is important to use stereo headphones. This is due to the binaural beats using different sounds and frequencies. Alternating sounds are played through each side of the headphones. This can only be possible in stereo. Headphones will also allow you to block out background noise and distractions.

To use the binaural beats to assist you when you want to astral project simply go about your techniques the same way as you have learnt. Put your stereo headphones on and press play then carry out your usual technique.

There is no special way of using the binaural beats for astral projection just use them as an aid. Relax and listen while following out the steps from our beginner’s guide or whatever has worked for you in the past.

Binaural Beats and Astral Projection Summary

So to summarise this article of how binaural beats can help with astral projection:

  • Invest in quality binaural beats not free ones from media sites.
  • Use stereo headphones to listen to your beats.
  • Relax and carry out your astral projection technique as you usually would while listening to the beats.
  • Binaural beats do not induce astral projection but simply guide and assist.
  • Binaural beats are safe and not dangerous providing you are at home relaxed laid down when using them.
  • Binaural beats work much better when following a healthy lifestyle and with some experience in meditation.

Links & Resources

Best Binaural Beats For Astral Projection Here >>>

The Beginners Guide To Astral Projection

Astral Projection

What is Astral Projection?

Astral Projection is when your astral body detaches itself from your physical body, very similar to an outer body experience, and travels to the astral plane. The most common time it occurs is in a near death experience or during a serious illness. With practice and patience, it is possible for you to achieve astral projection on demand.Astral Projection

If you’ve recently seen the film “Dr Strange” then you will know that one of his primary superpowers is astral projection.

The art has been practised for centuries, especially in Ancient Egypt & Greece.

Beginners Astral Projection

If you have no experience and are just starting out in Astral Protection then you’ve come to the right place.

Before we teach you a method to reach the astral plane it’s best to know some basic information.

Please remember this article is the very basics and fundamentals and should be used as part of your research only. I am by no means an expert and have only just started out on my journey into Astral Projection.

For a more in depth book full of knowledge and guidance I highly recommend you read “The 90-day guide to Astral Projection

Dangers of Astral Projection

You should first be aware of any dangers.

These are few and far between but nothing comes without risk.

Mental & Physical Exhaustion

At times you can return from your Astral journey feeling mentally and even physically drained and exhausted. If you are not prepared for this and don’t fully understand why it can be very startling and scary and may even lead to a feeling of depression.


Once you have mastered the art of Astral Projection it may leave you wanting to be on the Astral plane all the time. In extreme cases, people begin to care more about the Astral plane than they do their day to day lives. A healthy balance needs to be found.

Incorrect Grounding

Incorrect grounding can cause numerous problems in your life, for example, loss of concentration, bad social interaction and actual physical pain.

The physical pain is caused by your body trying to force you back into you it.

All of these dangers though that I have just written can be fully avoided with the correct knowledge and proper methods.

The Silver Cord

I believe knowledge of the silver cord is mandatory before you practice this ancient art.

The Silver Cord is the unseen cord that connects you to your physical body, stopping you from getting lost in the astral plane without a way to get back.

Knowledge of the Silver Cord can help get you back to your body on demand.

Protecting your Cord is important and fairly simple to achieve, you can do this by regularly meditating and cleansing your chakras.

How to Astral Project

So now you know some of the basics you want to know how to Astral Project!

As this is a beginners guide then I will keep the step by step guide very simple and clear. There are many more things you can do to help with the Astral projection which I will discuss later on in this article.

  1. Ensure that your environment is distraction free. Switching mobile phones to silent is a good idea, you’ll be amazed at how many times a message or call has distracted me from trying to project.
  2. Lie down on a comfortable surface this can be anything from your bed, your sofa, your floor. Wherever you feel most comfortable is perfect. A good tip is to also be wearing your “comfy clothes” these can be pyjamas, nightgowns or in your birthday suit if you prefer lol
  3. Contrary to popular belief you don’t want to be trying to fall asleep, your end goal is to let your body sleep but to keep your mind awake. Try to clear your mind and focus on breathing gently in and out, relax.
  4. You should now continue to relax until you start to feel tingles, these are what we call vibrations. It’s easy to lose focus and become excited when you feel these vibrations as they are a sign that you’re nearly there. Getting excited will stop you from your projection. Stay calm and continue to relax.
  5. After you begin to feel the vibrations (tingles) Keep your eyes closed, stay relaxed and then envision your astral body leaving your physical body. You should imagine that your astral body is rising up. Try to allow this thought part of the process to feel natural.
  6. At this point, you should begin to feel like you are rising upwards an almost floating feeling. If you do then you know that you are about to Astral Project. If you don’t then continue to relax and repeat step 5 again.
  7. This is the final step and this is where you should now be able to see your physical body lying where you left it. If you can congratulations your Astral journey is about to begin. Do not become scared, embrace the feeling and experience.

How to get back from the Astral Plane

A question I am often asked is how you get your Astral body back to your physical body when you want to leave the astral plane.

This is the tricky part and will take some practice.

At some point you may have already experienced astral projection, however, you may not recall any of it.

Remembering your experience is a huge part of visiting the astral plane especially if you want to reap all of the benefits that are associated with astral projection.

The key is to slowly reconnect.

When you are in an astral projection, your memories and experiences are not captured by your physical brain, they are captured by your extra-physical brain. What you need to do is to transfer this information.

A good technique is to repeat names, places and experiences out loud while on the astral plane. So if you meet someone while you are there then repeat their name out loud several times. You can do this with places and experiences too.

Some people before they begin astral projection like to use self-suggestion. This is a very simple yet powerful technique and is achieved by repeating a sentence such as “I will remember everything about my astral projection” you can repeat this 10 – 15 times. Saying it out loud will help. You should use self-suggestion after you are relaxed.

Before you return from your astral journey to connect with your physical body you should remember to approach this part slowly, don’t rush.

While returning you should be very focused on remembering your experiences.

Before jumping out of bed or waking up once you have reconnected lie for a few moments and try your hardest to remember your experiences.

This part of the reconnection and recollection will take some focus and practice don’t expect it to just happen. Be patient it’s worth it!

If you would like to see a beginners video on how to to Astral Project then check out the YouTube video below

What are the benefits of Astral Projection?


Reach other planes of reality

It is believed that Astral projection and the out of body experience allows us to reach other realities and dimensions. This, of course, opens up endless possibilities on where we can travel and what we can see. Many have said they have seen the place we go after we die, and some also believe they have visited their previous lifetimes.

Speaking to passed loved ones

There are many reports of people who have mastered the art of astral projection and then visiting loved ones that have passed away and even being able to talk to them!

I must say this sounds like very advanced astral projection so don’t expect to get there just yet it may take years and years of projection and practice.

Understanding and dealing with loss or death

Once we have experienced astral projection and the OBE you will realise that death is non-existent! While in the astral plane you will exist away from your human shell.

As your astral projection skills advance the fear of death starts to subside as you grasp the concept of death not existing.

Memories or recollection of a past life

The more you astral project the more you will have recollections of your previous lives. These experiences and memories give us more information about ourselves, give us a greater knowledge of universalism and can help us overcome trauma and in some cases self-cure illness.

Increased parapsychic abilities

The Astral projection experience can help expand our psychic capabilities and extrasensory perceptions.

Speed up maturity and awakening 

Visiting the astral plane leaves our bodies in a physical state of sleep, but our minds are fully awake. You avoid the loss of sleeping time and can still learn. You will use that time where usually your mind, as well as your body, would be asleep to increase knowledge and experience.

Both your spirit and maturity will naturally evolve.

If you’re ready to start your astral projection journey then be sure to take a look at these 5 simple tips for astral projection.

Astral Projection FAQ

Is sleep paralysis related to Astral Projection?

I personally have experienced sleep paralysis, I remember the first time being a little scary and overwhelming, that much so that I had to research the condition to be prepared for if it happens again. According to research sleep paralysis is the perfect time for astral projection. Sleep paralysis puts you in a state where your astral body is able to detach from your physical body much more easily.

Is Astral Projection Safe?

Astral Projection is safe, well as safe as being asleep in your bed. You still are at risk from anyone hurting your physical body. It is not possible for anyone to hurt your Astral body.

There are many myths surrounding Astral projection including getting lost and your physical body being open for possession.

Can you Astral Project While Awake?

When you Astral Project you are awake, well at least your mind is. This is a big part of the process and the hard part to master. Keeping your mind awake while letting your body sleep is key.

What is the difference between Lucid Dreaming & Astral Projection?

Lucid dreaming is not real, Astral Projection is, however, a real experience.

To help me explain this question I will need to show you the key differences.

Lucid dreaming – You are asleep, you are in complete control and this experience is not real it is a dream. You completely control the surroundings, the people, the outcome and the experience. You can completely manipulate every aspect of your dream while lucid dreaming and your consciousness is still attached to your physical body.

Astral Projection – To achieve astral projection you can’t be sleeping. Astral projection will happen just before the first stage of sleep, so therefore this is a real experience. You have no control over the aspects of astral projection. Your consciousness will leave your physical body and travel to the astral plane. The only thing you have minor control over is conversations and interactions. When your astral projection experience is complete your consciousness will rejoin with your physical body.

How long will it take for me to be able to Astrally Project?

This really is not a question you should be asking, it’s not something you will get right the first time. Astral projection takes dedication, devotion, time and a lot of practice.

Before you master Astral Projection you need to understand each aspect and stage.

It is not possible to tell anyone how long it will take you to learn as each person is completely different. Instead of wanting to learn overnight try to find enjoyment in the process of learning.

What are the benefits of Astral Projection?

The main benefit of Astral Projection is peace of mind and a spiritual sense of healing and well being. You may also find the experience exciting and magical.

Recommended Astral Projection Links & Extra Reading

90 Day Guide To Astral Projection

Cleansing the 7 Chakras

Beginners Meditation