Posts tagged Magnet Fishing

10 Magnet Fishing Tips – Increase Your Finds Today

10 Of The Best Magnet fishing tips

If you implement these 10 simple magnet fishing tips today you are sure to increase your finds!

So you’ve read our beginners guide to magnet fishing,  you’ve treat yourself to one of the best magnets for magnet fishing, and finally you have places to go magnet fishing but you’re still left wondering what you are doing wrong or how you can find more! Don’t worry we’ve got you covered.

All of the following magnet fishing tips are simple to follow and will help you with your magnet fishing journey.

  1. Don’t expect to find all the time

    When you first start out the hobby of magnet fishing you’re going to be excited, excited at the possibility of finding treasure or something of great value. In reality this is very very rare. Don’t get your hopes up before you go out as this can lead to impatience and giving up to early.

    A usual days haul in the life of a magnet fisherman consists of mainly scrap. A few old copper coins, some random parts of a boat and other rubbish. Safes, weapons and treasure are few and far between. However, stick at it and take the rough with the smooth. Eventually you will find something of interest or importance.

  2. Try not to drag the magnet

    To help you avoid issues with your magnet, avoid dragging it across the bed of the river or lake if possible.

    You should ensure the rope length is properly adjusted to around 8 inches from the surface, or higher if you are still getting snagged on rocks and weeds.

    A common mistake people make when magnet fishing is believing that the magnet won’t catch on to the loot if its higher up! Trust in your magnet it has enough strength and won’t miss anything. Making this one of the best magnet fishing tips you could follow.

  3. Take more than one magnet

    So a good magnet fishing tip is that as a magnet fishing hobbyist its safe to say that you stand a good chance of losing your magnet. Then what? If you have no way of recovering it, it’s pretty much home time!

    If you have a backup magnet then you don’t need to go home! You can stay out and continue you treasure hunting.

    I personally have one smaller magnet and then one more powerful just in case, this way you’re not latching onto things that are too heavy to pull out, but, if you do find something that sparks your interest and your magnet isn’t strong enough you can swap them over!

  4. Throw and pull method

    Number 4 of our beginners magnet fishing tips list is focusing on the method you use to fish. There are a couple of different popular methods for magnet fishing the main one being drop and pull.

    I personally have way more success with the throw and pull method.

    It’s pretty much exactly what it says throw your magnet as far as you can out into the water and pull it back towards you.

    You can also, depending on where you are and if its safe to do so, throw, walk and pull.

    Sometimes I try and zig zag the magnet through the water to cover more area.

    Throw & Pull Magnet Fishing Tips

  5. Slow down

    Here’s another really important one to add to our magnet fishing tips! Slow down! Don’t rush things. We know you’re excited, but by rushing you’re likely to miss out on lots of items.

    If you’ve not got a double sided magnet then you need to make sure that the bottom of it is facing out, if you pull to fast you won’t give the magnet chance to attach on to the items on the bed.

    Instead of yanking at the rope, pull slowly to allow the magnet to stay face out and to attract anything it comes into contact with. Giving it chance to “stick”

  6. Use Loctite

    If you’ve never heard of this wonderful little substance then you need some! Loctite threadlocker glue could potentially save you hundreds of pounds in lost magnets.

    Thread locker such as Loctite is applied to the eye bolt thread and will stop your magnet from unscrewing over time and getting lost, its really simple to apply and you shouldn’t be without it.

  7. Alternate magnet fishing techniques

    Don’t just repeat the same magnet fishing technique over and over again, vary it up, alternate and try to cover as much area as possible. Drop and pull, throw and pull, throw walk and pull etc you’re sure to find your own favorite techniques too largely depending on where you are magnet fishing.

  8. Use a grappling hook

    This magnet fishing tip is one that is often overlooked, grappling hooks will help especially if you’re out to find the bigger items. The grappling hook attached will give you extra grab when recovering items with your magnet.

  9. Ensure you use strong rope

    Choosing the right rope could also potentially save you lots of money in lost magnets, make sure the rope that you choose is strong, strong enough to pull out large heavy items, strong enough to withstand getting snagged and a good old tug.

  10. Research your locations

    In my opinion researching where you are going to go magnet fishing beforehand is probably one of the best magnet fishing tips we could give you.

    It could potentially save you a wasted trip!

    When researching the places to go magnet fishing, you should consider things like if its been a body of water for long periods of time, the location and if its a high traffic area, If you could imagine someone throwing something into the water where you are considering going, you could use old maps to see how long the body of water has been marked on the maps etc You could speak to people from the area also.

    So these are my magnet fishing tips so far, bare in mind I am just a beginner in the hobby really and have only been out a handful of times. If you have any really good tips and are a bit of a pro, we would love to hear from you so we can grow this list of simple tips for magnet fishing.


The Best Magnet & Kits For Magnet Fishing 2022

Choosing a magnet for magnet fishing!

The best magnets for magnet fishing are neodymium magnets. They are rare earth magnets and are widely considered to be the strongest magnets available for magnet fishing, due to their incredible pull force.

The question often sparks a form of debate amongst Magneteers (magnet fishing enthusiasts) each wanting to believe they own the best magnet available to buy! With that being said the answer highly depends on your individual needs.

You can buy individual magnets online or you can buy the full magnet fishing kits.

The magnet fishing kits are made up of everything you need to go magnet fishing and then some! Magnet fishing kits usually will include a neodymium magnet, heavy duty rope, threadlock, a carabiner and sometimes come complete with a grappling hook. Yup if you’re a beginner some people like to use the hook. (more about this later)

Before you go out to your local hardware store or shop online and buy a magnet or a magnet fishing kit, you’ll need to know just a little bit more information to ensure you get the best magnet for you and your needs.

When starting up in the hobby of magnet fishing its not just a case of using any old magnet, you’re going to want to use a magnet that works well in the water, one that doesn’t break straight away and one that is powerful enough to attract what lies beneath it. It also needs to be powerful enough to keep it attached while reeling in the rope.

With the rise in success in the hobby, there are many magnet manufacturers that have specially designed magnets pretty much just for the hobby each trying to out perform each other.

What kind of a magnet will I need?

Neodymium, that’s the long and short of it. Nothing else will do in my opinion.

Some people may suggest a ferrite magnet, and while these cost a lot less they are far more brittle and will not last you as long. Many people who I have spoken to, that have tried ferrite, said the magnet smashed or lost power straight away.

Neodymium magnets are without a shadow of a doubt the best magnets for magnet fishing, they are tough and durable and will inevitably last you a long time.

You will also need to make sure you have a neodymium magnet with an eyebolt. This will allow you to set up your magnet fishing rig (the rope goes through the eyebolt) you learn how to do this in our beginners guide to magnet fishing.

The most common types are circular and pot shaped, with the actual magnets protected with a coating of Ni-Cu-Ni. This is a triple layer coating.

The neodymium magnet coatings are important as they keep the moisture from corroding the magnet. So when you have found the one you want to buy, do be sure to check what the coating is first.

Common good coatings are nickel-copper-nickel, Nickel, Zinc and chrome. There are others but these are generally what you should look for.

You can get square ones but I don’t know many people who have tried them out.

So now we have determined that you need a neodymium magnet with an eyebolt, what power range should you opt for. Who knew magnets could be so complicated?!

This is going to highly depend on what you intend to “catch”, magnet fishing location and what other equipment you have handy to help you recover the items.

For example if you’re going for a BEAST of a magnet, do you have the capacity to be able to reel it in? Is your rope strong enough? We have some good magnet fishing tips here if you want to read more about that.

As you advance in your magnet fishing career you’ll figure out ways to bring in the heavier objects so my advice for a beginner would be to go for something less powerful.

So here’s a list of the features the best magnet for magnet fishing should include:

  •  It must be a Neodymium Magnet (NdFeB)
  • Must be N42 Grade or higher
  • Must Have a Strong Coating (NiCuNi) with A3 Stainless Steel Cover
  • Must include a countersunk hole & eyebolt
  • Have a Pulling force of at least 500lbs (226kg)

What is the best magnet for magnet fishing?

There are a few big players to look out for when buying a magnet or a magnet fishing kit. These are the most popular for a reason.

Some magnet fishing manufacturers names to look out for are as follows:

Uolor, Brute Magnetics, Wukong, HHOOMY, Aitsite, First4magnets and Mutuactor.

This list is not exhaustive and of course as time goes on new manufacturers appear who are equally as reliable.

Check them all out here >>>>

All of the above mentioned though have built up a good reputation and have received many positive reviews as the best magnets for magnet fishing. They are also the leaders in developing new sizes, types and shapes.

Always read the reviews of the specific magnet before making a purchase to see how others have rated it.

What is the best power rating to opt for in a magnet?

Best Magnet For Magnet FishingIt’s a tough question to answer and before you proceed you should consider a few things first.

If you are only looking at pulling out small items then you really should avoid buying a big powerful magnet and go for something with a little less pull power.

You should bare in mind though that the items that have been in the water for years will have rusted and thus decreases the effect of the magnet. Some opt for more powerful just so they don’t miss out.

If you want to pull pretty much everything out then opt for something with a higher pull. Do remember though if the item is heavy you may need a friend or two to help you or some form of a winch to assist you.

As the hobby grows manufacturers are creating magnets with a much higher pull strength to meet the demands.

They’ve even now started producing double-sided magnets this gives a better coverage when dragging your magnet across the bed.

Magnets start very small with a pull strength of approximately 65lb these are perfect for children to use or if you’re only wanting to attract small metallic items.

The most powerful magnet I have seen so far is around 4200 lbs. This is, of course, a double-sided magnet with a combined pull power. Each side has around 2400lbs strength.

Grappling Hooks & Magnet Fishing

Magnet Fishing Grappling HookAnother great way to ensure you don’t miss out on loot at the bottom of the water is to add a grappling hook to your kit.

The pull force of your magnet is not without conditions. There are many factors that can affect the power of your magnet, especially how it lies in the water and the shape of the object.

If you know there is something there and you can feel the pull with the magnet, but just can’t get it to stick then a grappling hook is the perfect solution.

By throwing in your grappling hook it may allow you to grab onto the metallic item and get a better grip for recovery.

Best Magnet Fishing Kits

As I mentioned previously some people are combining all of the equipment you will need for magnet fishing and putting it together in one pretty awesome magnet fishing kit.

I personally would say the best magnet fishing kit would include as follows:

  • Neodymium Magnet (of at least 760lbs pull power)
  • A grappling hook
  • Heavy duty rope (at least 65ft in length)
  • Locking Carabiner
  • Safety Gloves
  • Threadlock

So far the best magnet fishing kit I have found in 2021 is available below at a great price.

Neodymium Magnet Reviews

We would love to hear what your believe the best magnet for magnet fishing is! What’s your favorite setup? Any recommendations? How powerful is your magnet?

Leave us a small magnet review in the comments below and help out other magnet fishers.

The Dangers Of Magnet Fishing & How To Stay Safe

Magnet Fishing Dangers – How To Stay Safe

Magnet Fishing is becoming increasingly popular all over the world and with more and more people taking part it’s only right that we discuss the dangers of magnet fishing and advise you on how to stay as safe as possible.

Already Magnet Fishing has developed a bad reputation largely due to the newspapers and media. However also due to the tragic accidents that have occurred some even resulting in death. These magnet fishing safety items can help keep you safe – Check them out here >>>>

Where there’s large bodies of water there are always dangers present. Even when you go to the beach on a family trip and you take a swim in the sea. 

Let’s take a closer look at some of the dangers that are presented when magnet fishing and how to avoid them.

  • Drowning

Where there’s water no matter how deep there’s that possibility of drowning, this risk increases with unstable bodies of water, currents, the weather,  the temperature.

During your time magnet fishing you’re going to become more and more tempted to get to more risky places. Increasing your chances of slipping or falling into the water. 

You may lose your magnet and think I have to go in the water to get it back. Unless you are in a very shallow stream or you are 100% sure it is safe with no risk to your life to recover your magnet. I would advise you not to risk it. No amount of money lost is worth your life.

Magnet Fishing Danger Drowning

It may be that you feel if you get in the water you can recover that heavy item attached to your magnet more quickly and easily. Again unless there is absolutely no risk. Do not do it.

A father and son duo were out enjoying a days magnet fishing when tragedy struck. Both of them died. It is thought that the father fell in and was drowning and the son tried to save him and also ultimately sacrificed his life. Nobody knows how this tragedy occurred exactly but what we do know was, a day of having fun, enjoying their hobby ended up fatal.

How to avoid drowning while magnet fishing

You can lower the risk of drowning while magnet fishing and eliminate many dangers just by being cautious and aware of your surroundings.

Where possible try to go with a friend or family member. Having someone with you decreases the risk but does not eliminate it. 

Tie yourself to an anchor point where possible, especially if you feel the ground surrounding you is unstable or slippery. You can use the friend you are with, a railing, a tree etc 

Wear suitable footwear with extra grip.

Don’t enter deep bodies of water to recover your magnet or a find. Sometimes you just have to put it down to a loss. The water may look completely harmless and still. You still have the dangers of an under current. You could get caught in weeds and other objects beneath the surface.


  • Dangerous Finds

I read in an article the other day when doing my research for this article that finding dangerous metal finds while magnet fishing is rare. This is NOT true. In fact it would be very wise to view each object you pull out of the water as potentially dangerous. 

Weapons are being pulled out of the water each and every day, magnet fishing, by people like you and I. 

Magnet Fishing Weapons

Guns, grenades, machetes and knives are but just a few of what has already been discovered regularly which are very dangerous, but all metal presents its own dangers.

Guns and explosive devices present their very own obvious dangers.

Most bodies of water hold bacteria, some more dangerous types than others. When you recover an item, not just knives, but all metal has the potential to be sharp, cut yourself while handling and you could be infected. 

How to handle dangerous finds

Firstly before I go into detail the most obvious step is to wear PPE. Gloves mainly. You can buy safety gloves for a minimal amount of money to reduce the risk of cutting yourself. 

When you pull your item from the water if you for a second believe it to be an explosive device or lethal weapon then contact the appropriate authorities, police, bomb squad or the local law department in your area.

Grenades and explosive devices if live have the very real danger of being fragile and temperamental especially after the corrosion that has occurred in the water. Proceed with extreme caution and always ask for assistance with recovery.

If you for example found a concealed weapon, a knife, an axe, gun or other item you believe could be crime related then do not handle it. You could quite possibly get your fingerprints on it or destroy potential evidence. Report it straight away.

  • The Magnet Dangers

If you haven’t handled a neodymium magnet yet, or seen just how powerful these things are then you need to know the dangers present .

These rare earth magnets are not toys. They present their very own dangers and are more powerful than you might imagine. 

The magnets are that powerful that they can interfere with electrical devices such as your mobile phone or at the very worst pacemakers. **Do not use these magnets if you or someone nearby has a heart condition and uses a pacemaker.

It’s not rare for these powerful magnets to slam together or to other metal items, for example a nearby metal railing. Get your fingers in the way and you could quite possibly lose them. Especially with the bigger ones. At the very least it’s going to break the skin and hurt.

How to avoid dangers of the magnet strength

Firstly when transporting your magnet or even just storing it at home, keep it in a protective case

Again wear protective gloves to protect your hands and the damage it may cause if it slams against another metal item and your fingers or hand is in the way. 

Do not use the magnet under any circumstances if you or the person/people you are with are using a pacemaker and have underlying heart conditions. 


Magnet Fishing Safety Tips


  1. Always wear thick protective gloves.
  2. Analyse the ground you are standing on before casting in your magnet, is there moss? Is it slippery? Do you have a good grip on the ground?
  3. Analyse the area, is it safe? Are there any tripping hazards? Are there people nearby?
  4. Carry a first aid kit.
  5. Clean your equipment thoroughly after use, clean your hands with alcohol sanitiser.
  6. Go with a friend, being alone is more unsafe than with a friend.
  7. Keep magnets at least 30cm away from electrical devices.
  8. Be careful of unexploded bombs and ammunition. Report suspicious items to the correct authorities.
  9. Wear appropriate non slip footwear.
  10. Tie yourself to a sturdy anchor point.


Magnet Fishing Danger Summary

This article on the dangers of magnet fishing does not list all of the dangers present. It is wise to analyse the area you are in and the body of water you are about to explore. Each place is different and unique and presents its very own dangers.

There are dangers present with the hobby of magnet fishing, perhaps a few more than many other outdoor hobbies. Be aware of them before you decide if this is the right hobby for you. Stay safe, stay sensible and don’t take silly risks. 

If you would like to add more information about the dangers of magnet fishing for our readers or perhaps you have a great safety tip. Then please leave us a comment in the comments section below.



7 Of The Best Places To Go Magnet Fishing Today

Where can I go magnet Fishing?

There are many places that you can go magnet fishing but the first thing you’re going to need to check is if you are allowed and have permission to do so. 

It is highly recommended that you follow the magnet fishing code of conduct and always ask permission first or check with your local governing body.

Best Places To Go Magnet Fishing

Some of the best places to go magnet fishing are:

  • Magnet Fishing in Rivers & Canals

Rivers and Canals are a fantastic place to go magnet fishing, especially the parts of the river that have had a lot of people nearby, for example when they are close to a road or a popular walkway. Many metallic items have been disposed of in the river over hundreds of years. Rivers and canals are also a common place for people to dispose of items from crimes and burglaries. 

Tip – Find a good bridge to magnet fish off

  • Magnet Fishing in Lakes

Lakes can have interesting metal items lurking at the bottom of them, try to choose a lake that has been popular over the years, perhaps where people have gone swimming or diving in the summer. Common places to find “busy” lakes are country parks and campsites. 

Remember to get permission from the lake owner beforehand.

Best Places To Go Magnet Fishing - Park Lakes

  • Magnet Fishing Streams

I recently did some magnet fishing in a shallow stream located in a busy little village, it was near some houses and I found a few coins. Finds were scarce but there are metal items that have been dropped in streams over the years as people have waded through them.

Streams were a popular place for kids and adults to play during summer times. They were also very popular throughout history as a source of water.

  • Magnet Fishing in The Sea or Ocean

The Sea and Ocean is probably one of the least fruitful bodies of water to go magnet fishing, but if you are at a loose end with nowhere to go it’s still an option.

It’s always a good idea to search for a heavy traffic area, like beneath piers or around rocky areas and rock pools. There is a chance that people have dropped metal items and if you’re lucky you may well just recover them.

  • Magnet Fishing Wells

If you are lucky enough to have found an abandoned well or know of a place where there is a well then I imagine this would be a good place to drop a magnet down.

Although I have never actually managed to see what kind of items are found at the bottom of a well, I believe that lots of metal objects, including coins, may have been dropped and also purposely thrown down a well. 

Remember to be aware of your surroundings and always consider your safety first.

When magnet fishing in wells you have to remember that over the years silt may have built up at the bottom burying any potential magnetic objects, a good strategy is to remove some of the silt beforehand. You can do this with a bucket on rope. We advise against climbing down the well.

Please don’t drop a magnet down a well that is still in use or that people visit as part of a tourist attraction.

  • Magnet Fishing at Historical Sites

It is becoming increasingly popular, as Magnet fishing becomes a more serious hobby for people to research historical sites with bodies of water. Then seek out permission, you may just find you are lucky enough to have the chance to magnet fish on a site rich in history.

Many natural lakes are more than 10,000 years old and were used frequently by many people in different periods of history. This means that over the years metal items of important historical interest were lost in these lakes.

If you find an item of important historical interest while magnet fishing, it is good practice to report it to your local Finds Liaison Officer (FLO) –

  • Magnet Fishing Off Bridges

Old bridges and sometimes even new ones are a great place to discover interesting metal items beneath them when magnet fishing.

You’ve got to think about how people’s minds work and where they would dispose of items. You see it in the films all the time for a reason.

Many people over the years have and will throw things from a bridge when in a rush to discard it. 

Not only purposely throwing metal items into the water but when leaning over the sides of the bridge perhaps dropped things.

Bridges are in fact one of my favourite places to magnet fish and some of my most interesting magnet fishing finds have been from them, including a safe (empty unfortunately), a large “Rambo” style knife and believe it or not numerous bikes. My favourite was an old Raleigh Racer.

Places To Go Magnet Fishing - Old Bridge

Best Places For Magnet Fishing Summary

As a magnet fishing beginner, you are going to be very excited to rush out and start your hobby, we all felt the same at the beginning. However you must always be aware of the magnet fishing laws in your area and seek permission first.

There are many places you can go magnet fishing and you’ll find that some places have lots of interesting metal items and some you won’t find a single thing. The beauty of this hobby for me is just being outdoors with your mind focused on this wonderful hobby. 

It’s also worthy to mention that different bodies of water may require different magnet fishing setups. For example longer rope or a stronger magnet.

Do you have any other great ideas for places to magnet fish? If so let us know in the comments and we will add it to our best places to go magnet fishing list.